my sub


he feeds me rolls of twenties

sticky from his anxious fingers his eyes can’t land until i whip him with my tongue and then

so solid release carves him into a huMan

his nails curling around the toes of my socks the edges of his lips twitching and when he

texts me “sorry mistress” from the laundromat

i imagine him sitting in front of the machine that perpetual tear drop of a face

reflected in the undertow of the pay per use washer

&This is how he can pretend he is drowning in

my sudsy lingerie

Breton Lalama (they/he) is a queer, trans human who combines mediums to encourage sociopolitical dialogue and bring attention to the weird parts of everyday life. They really like tomato soup. In his work, they are currently excited by explorations of identity and multiplicity.

You can find their work in Harlot X Trans Sex Workers Zine, Feels Zine, Open Heart Forgery, Crush Zine, Saved By Sex Ed, Toho Journal. Breton is grateful to be part of Nightwood Theatre’s Write From The Hip cohort, 2020-2021.


Curiosity Killed My Cat


Life in the Social Media Margins, For Better and For Worse